Support the growth of a LHOP network in your region
1. Training Resources
It is exciting to see how networks of LHOPs are beginning to start up in many nations across the world including Australia! The simple LHOP training resources are now available in over 20 languages. Do feel free to Contact Us if you would like information about LHOP training resources in different languages.
2. Leadership Group
Alternatively joining the LHOP Leadership group may be a useful way of sharing lessons, news and inviting prayer support as we journey together. This is a closed group, to register interest in joining, feel free to Contact Us.
3. Training of Trainers
Periodically we run LHOP Training of Trainers Online Sessions. These are for people who:
Have attended Local House of Prayer Training
Have already got started with their own Local House of Prayer in their community and are beginning to see some green shoots emerge
Are now seeking to be equipped to empower others to start their own Local Houses of Prayer and see a network of Local Houses of Prayer grow in their region
If you are interested in attending an online Training of Trainers session, do Contact Us and we will get in touch with you to explore possible next steps.
4. Cafés
An LHOP café is a simple (1 hour) online meeting where you will be able to connect with a small group of others who are also involved in Local Houses of Prayer. Space will be given to ask questions, pray and bless one another on the journey!