Local Houses of Prayer is a
ministry flowing out of
Ffald y Brenin, Wales, UK.
As we practise the principles and values learned at Ffald-y-Brenin, our heart is also for Local Houses of Prayer (LHOP) in Australia is to see lives transformed as we take our place in our own spheres of influence to release heaven’s purposes to earth.
Who's praying for your neighbourhood? In this animated video, you'll learn more about LHOP, and how to partner with God for your neighbourhood.
Prayer is at the foundation of all we do, however, LHOP is not 'just another prayer meeting'. This video presents the biblical thinking behind LHOP.
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Meet the Team
Anne de Leyser
Anne’s passion as the director of Local Houses of Prayer (LHOP) is to cultivate the presence of God in communities and to see the kingdom breaking in power across the nations. Anne has trained people from the UK and around the world in how to establish a Local House of Prayer, and the training resources she has developed have been translated into over 20 languages.
Cate Lewis
Cate Lewis is the Director of Freshwater Ministries - and partners with Local Houses of Prayer UK, leading the Australian Network. Cate and Greg long to see a move of the family of God across the nation. Cate travels extensively, equipping many to open up Local Houses of Prayer across Australia.